The following are questions you may have regarding CITI human subjects training expiration and refresher courses.
How long is my CITI human subjects training certification valid?
The CITI certification in Human Subjects must be renewed every three years. If you do not renew your certification the IRB will not be able to process applications, renewals or modifications to your study. The refresher coursework is shorter than the original course taken for your training. Both the original certification and the refresher certification are a requirement for IRB approval.
Do I have to take the CITI refresher if I am no longer conducting research?
No. You are not required to maintain active training in human subjects research if you are not conducting research. CITI will maintain your training status if you do decide to return to conducting research. Please remember that even if you are not the PI on research, all faculty sponsors and co-PIs must maintain an active certification in human subjects training.
What if I’ve taken CITI courses at another institution, will they transfer?
Yes. You will need to log into and affiliate with Montclair State University. Please note additional modules may need to be completed to fit the Montclair requirements.
Will I receive a reminder?
Yes. CITI will send you a reminder approximately 90 days prior to the certification expiration. You may take the refresher modules at any time before your certificate expires.
How do I take the CITI refresher courses?
Log in to the CITI webpage. Once you log in you will see the link to the Student/Faculty Basic course in human subjects training. Once you proceed at that link CITI will automatically guide you through the required CITI refresher modules.
What if I have questions?
Contact the IRB Office Staff, 973-655-3021 or